Our Global Reach

Our courses are available globally, delivered by Authorized Education Centers and Authorized Training Providers, and attended by learners from an ever-growing range of cultures, backgrounds, and industries.
Authorized Education Centers
Authorized Education Center status is awarded to organizations who maintain a dedicated facility equipped with the necessary resources to conduct AEMED courses. These centers have made significant investments in acquiring the required equipment, maintain a minimum of two qualified lead instructors, and regularly offer our courses under license, through both public enrollment and private group programs, meeting agreed quotas.
Authorized Training Providers
Authorized Training Providers are individuals or organizations who are permitted to conduct AEMED courses under license, but do not maintain their own premises at which to conduct said courses. To be registered as an authorized training provider, an individual must be a lead instructor, and an organization must be controlled or managed by a lead instructor.
Lead Instructors
Lead Instructors are individuals with significant patient care experience and proven expertise delivering our curricula. All AEMED courses must be taught by a duly authorized Lead Instuctor, appointed and authorized by the Chair of the Instructor Development Committee. Lead instructors are employed by or contract to Authorized Education Centers and/or Authorized Training Providers.
Course Hosts
Course Hosts are organizations including universities, colleges, high schools, clubs, associations, NGOs, government departments, and private companies who engage an Authorized Education Center or Authorized Training Provider to conduct an AEMED course on their premises or in a rented facility, either for their team or the general public.